WHEN? 05.03.2015, 18.30 - 20.30

WHERE? On Zoom

If you wish to ceremonially open this potent time of Venus Retrograde & Eclipse season in March that is bringing huge shifts in our collective destiny..

To dive into the CRYSTAL CAVE OF YOUR WOMB..

..to REMEMBER the deepest & most sacred DESIRES of Your Soul..

Now more than ever we are called to remember and embody the Ancient Wisdom of our Femininity.

VENUS TEMPLE is a space created for Multidimensional Remembrance.

⭐ For weaving & uniting the pieces of Universal Womb wisdom each of us carries as a hologram of HER.

⭐ For reclaiming the Power of our Pure Sexual life force, our Sensual Nature and Wildness in the Female body.

⭐ For re-aligning and re-seeding the Crystalline Grid of Mother Gaia through the portals of our Wombs as Sisters coming together.

⭐ For devoting our energy and services to the Divine Mother.

⭐ For bringing Peace to the world through connecting and amplifying the voices of our Truth coming from the Source: THE WOMB.

In devotion to Venus Retrograde & upcoming International Women Day…

I invite you to this donation-based online ceremony for women only.

We will open a sacred space of Remembrance, Embodied Prayer & Devotion to the Womb.

We will dive into Womb of Crystalline Light Activation, Sacred Water & Fire Alchemy Ritual and Guided journey through Star Womb Medicine Wheel.

To re-align with your Truth & Ancient Womb Knowing.

To expand into Universal Love that you are.

To awaken to your true Ecstatic Nature.

Excited to receive you sisters!


Suggested donation:

11 - 44 €