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Sister, are you tired of betraying your Truth? Sacrificing your Energy? Burning for the fullness of who you are? ๐Ÿ”ฅ


I know the feeling of being thorn in between the old, known version of you and the new, more expanded & bold self..


It may feel so scary to get out of your comfort zone, step into the Power that is calling you & show your true self to the world.


I know many of us sense deep longing for serving the Earth, for experiencing real magic in everyday life, for becoming a vessel of Love, for rising above limitations into our Highest Creative Potential..


We canโ€™t do this alone & it is time to come together in Soulful Empowering Sisterhood to remember our forgotten Worth, Gifts & Medicine ๐ŸŒน


This is not a typical course.

It is a Mystical Journey into the WOMB.

Unique Somatic & Spiritual Dive into Tranformation, Feminine Rememberance & Power Reclamation through Shamanism, Tantra and Temple Arts for Women.

The themes of: Unworthiness, Blockage to Receive (Support, Love, Pleasure, Money, Miracles), Disempowerment, Distrust to Men & the Masculine, Distortions in Sensual- & Sexuality will be our Doorways to AWAKEN the WOMB POWER.

These may be signs that this journey is for you:

  • you/your Womb have felt taken from / used / exploited / manipulated
  • you have dissatisfying relationships with men in your life
  • you feel suppressed/ overstimulated/ inauthentic in your Eros and self-expression



How this goes... We gather every 2 weeks to anchor empowering womb codes of one Feminine Archetype. Then for the next 2 weeks we integrate it in our own way with support of Telegram Temple Group Chat where we share our processes, receive more guidance and materials (like Womb journies, embodiment energy practices, playlists, rituals, writing prompts, individual guidance on special days, and other surpises;)).

๐Ÿ I. Priestess (SOUTH) - The Magical Alchemist of Wounds and Shadows into Wisdom and Power


Priestess shows us all that is hidden and avoided. She teaches us about Karma & Shadow Alchemy. She creates safety & opens you to feel what you were escaping from since days, years, lifetimes. She seduces her own darkness by diving into the Unknown with surrender to what pain wants to show her. Her force wants to heal the soul wounds of Betrayal, Abandonment & Separation. She is awakening the inner Serpent to guide you into Inviting Sensation that transforms suffering. She wants to BURN in the sacred fire of Your Life-force all chains and bondage that was put on your Pure Heart. She touches your Wounds with her Mystery to Alchemize them into Wisdom and Power. She is the Void, the Darkness that reveals the spark of your Deepest Light.


โš”๏ธ II. Dakini (WEST) - The Blissful Warrioress Cutting through Illusions straight into the Womb Truth


We emerge from the Underworld and receive empowerment of the Dakini wisdom. After feeling it all, we are ready to awaken the dormant womb power. The Dakini in you is the one who is Untamed. Juicy. Brave. Bold. Instintual. Coming from deep self love and compassion, she chooses to cut off old unserving paradigms and invite more uplifting and aligned with your highest truth ways. She befriends her darkness and turns her demons into source of deep confidence and power. Balancing her Light and Shadow, she is dancing in bliss between contradictions and polarities, choosing LOVE over FEAR. You arise here as a Divine & Wild Woman who remembers how to use her magic Dakini Knife for both: protection as well as playful representation of her fierce & blissful sexual nature.

๐Ÿ’Ž III. Muse (NORTH) - The Pure Channel of Feminine Artistry in Connection with the Divine


Muse arrives here to remind you of our Highest Creative Potential and Soul Gifts. She rises above challanges into full Trust to Herself, Life and God. Completely in Love with her own essence & adoring each part of her body, she recognizes that being rested and connected to her pleasure magnetizes everything she dreams of. And she is so ready to receive the miracles! Muse becomes a Divine Artist by channeling her life-force into Creation. Her Self Expression is a blessing and sublime sacred upgrade for her own evolution. As well as something she is willing to share with the world to inspire others. And... to be cherished, admired & devoted to. Muse connects us with our ancestral roots and its DNA activations as well as superpowers of our cosmic lineages: and that merges in our unique Artistry & our Womb's Sacred Vision.


๐Ÿ‘‘ IV. Queen (EAST) - The Sovereign Feminine Leader in Devotional Service to Life


Welcome in your Queendom, sister. Here arises mature, erotic and nurturing mother of Creation that lives within you. She holds herself with integrity, grace and dignity, emboding Golden Self Worth and sharp Discerment. She is completely devoted to her Purpose and birthes the Vision of her Womb into this world. You as a Queen embody balance between your Feminine and Masculine which allows you to hold a strong container for your own artistry. You are the Union that splashes with Ecstasy, as your inner world is weaving both poles in harmony and love. Queen invites Sacred Relationships, Dream Jobs, Wealth, Success & Great Satisfaction that is a result of Stepping in Your Powerful Service & taking the responsibility for your soul's true calling.




  • you would like to dive deep with yourself and other Women in a Safe and Sacred Container
  • you are ready to tranform ancestral wounds of your female lineage & go out of victim/perpetrator/savoir dynamic
  • you don't like to only scratch the surface & like to 'see through the veils'
  • you want to step out of your Masculine energy and give more space to the Feminine Mystery
  • you yearn to express all of you: with full range of emotions & diverse aspects of your being without shame and guilt
  • you have been feeling disconnected from your Womb, your femininity, your sexuality, other women, your mother
  • you want to reclaim the reality of living & creating from your Feminine & your Womb
  • you are curious about Shamanic Womb Work (that awakens deep life transformations) & Feminine Temple Arts (secret subtle energy practices for women that activate bliss and pleasure)
  • you are in a big change/transition period and are willing to let the old version of you die and the new to be born
  • you are yearning for more space for the wild, mystical, raw, saturated, alive and passionate version of you
  • you want to experience Self-Love in a tabgible way (that you can REALLY FEEL IT in your body)
  • you want to awaken your sensual and sexual energy for creating more pleasureable, aligned and soulful life
  • you know deep inside, you are here to resurrect Feminine Power and Rememberance through your own life experience
  • you want to give yourself permission to explore different flavours of your Feminine Self: from subtle and soft to fierce and intense one (and all in between!)
  • you are welcoming a healthy, loving & sacred love relationship
  • you are open to expand into your Spiritual Multidimensional being & Soul Remembrance
  • you want to experience the uplifting miracleous Power of the Circle of Women


Are you in?


Where we will dive DEEP!

WE WILL BE GUIDED BY WOMB MEDICINE WHEEL THAT I CREATED: based on shamanic andean Medicine Wheel & 4 directions as well as 4 ANCIENT ARCHETYPAL WOMB CODES.

This journey is birthed from many years of Feminine Mysteries teachings inquiries, Shamanic & Tantric studies and initiations, Temple Arts & Dance trainings, medicine master plant journies, working with women and their womb healing processes.. And foremost from fusion of all of that into Creative Process of Own Becoming & Reclaiming my Power as a Woman.

This is a nutshell of years of my Personal Transformation & Women's work: from insecure and supressed in my own expression and power, stucked in the mind and disconnected from my body, having turbulent and dissapointing relationships with men, feeling unworthy of love...

...To naturally embodying my eros and magnetism, feeling surrendered to my purpose & God, tapped into my Womb's wisdom that is my main guiding light, having deep confidence rooted in my intuition & being deeply in love with myself, life & my beloved.

WOMB is the Way back to Our Creative Potential, Inherent Self Worth & Power to Create the Reality we Want. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

It can be scary and lonely to go there alone, as at first we may need to clear the toxic ancestral/societal patterns & unserving paradigms. I know the pain of it from my own experience...

And that is why I want to take you on this path: so as Women we can come together & find courage to say YES to:




Because I believe that Women's Heart's Longings are truly sacred & once we believe we are worthy of RECEIVING our lifes radically transform.



๐ŸŒน 07.03 - 18.04.2025: In Person (Zurich) & Online (Telegram) ๐ŸŒน

The architecture of this space will be containing 4 Segments with 4 Feminine Archetypes & each of them being a deep dive into a certain perspective, practices & energies that will evoke transformative & expansive processes in your physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual/light body.

Our journey will contain of 4 Venus Temple Ceremonies with one Archetype (in person) & 2 weeks of integration afterwards with additional input (on Telegram chat).

Each Ceremony is different as it is co-created with the magic of the present moment & energies and inputs of all the participants and what is needed in the space.

Yet you can expect certain elements to be weaved into the experience.



I. Priestess - Fri. 7th of March, 18.00 - 21.30

II. Dakini - Fri. 21st of Mar, 18.00 - 21.30

III. Muse - Fri. 4th of April, 18.00 - 21.30

IV. Queen - Fri. 18th of Apr, 18.00 - 21.30




  • Ceremonies of Sacred Sensuality & Embodied Soul Remembrance
  • Temple Arts, Dance & Holistic Embodiment
  • Initiation Rites
  • Evolutionary Feminine Archetypes
  • Emotional Alchemy & Shadow Work
  • Shamanic Womb Healing and Awakening Practices
  • Subtle Energy & Voice Opening
  • Feminine Mystery Teachings
  • Psychomagic Rituals
  • Prayerformance Play
  • Safe & Nourishing Sisterhood
  • Womb Wisdom Weaving & Intuitive Guidance


๐ŸŒน The 4-week program includes:

ใƒป 4 Live Ceremonies with each of the Archetypes

ใƒป Temple Space on Telegram Group with daily & weekly content supporting the integration process after each ceremony (with extra practices, inspirations, womb wisdom drops, guidance) and a space for sharings & being witnessed

ใƒป 1 x 1:1 mini Womb Activation Session (included) & possibility for receiving full 1:1 Womb Activation for each of the Archetypes

ใƒป Venus Sisterhood Community (that will stay with you after the journey & hopefully grow into connections and co-creations:))


*The doors are opening at 18.00 & you have 30min to arrive. Ceremony starts 18.30 and ends 21.30. Then we have 30min to have a snack, chat, clean the space and leave.

** If you cannot attend all of the ceremonies in person it's still recommended to enroll. (You will receive the wisdom downloads in the Telegram group after each ceremony).

*** The journey is NOT designed as a trauma healing space, therapy or a talking women circle. If you search for such, this may not meet your needs. You are welcome to open to your personal/emotional process in the group when there is an invitation for it. There will be moments carved for that in the ceremonies as well as special times when you can share your process with sisters & receive my personal guidance in the Telegram group. Otherwise you are invited to stay self-contained, receive empowering inputs and let them transform what is ready to be transformed in your own pace. If during the ceremony you will open up anyway to some deeper process, you will be taken care of. Also, if there is deeper healing or niuanced process emerging during the time of the journey, you have a chance to receive extra 1:1 support from me.



Each participant has a chance to receive a mini 1:1 Womb Activation Session with me. it will be done online on Zoom within the first 2 weeks of our journey.

There is an oppotunity to extend the 1:1 offer: in case you feel you need extra support. Or when any of the Archetypes will call you to dive deeper, receive personalized Empowerment Womb Codes & Rememberance Ceremony crafted specially for you (highly recommended to potentialize the transmission & for your individual Womb Power Codes to arrive). You can purchase the extension straight away or after we start and you feel a calling.


โžก What gifts may you receive during or after diving in together?

โšœ๏ธ Birthing energetic template of reality that is closer to your deepest Truth & landing in supportive sisterhood container that supports holding its frequency and expanding your container of possibilities to attract and magnetize

โšœ๏ธ Reconnection with your Womb and her Wisdom on physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual level

โšœ๏ธ Resurrecting within deep Self Worth, Self Love, Self Belief through your unique connection to the Womb Power (your own Womb, the Earth's & Cosmic Womb)

โšœ๏ธ Feeling Your own sovereign, contained, heart-centered and innocent sexual essence

โšœ๏ธ Healing ancestral and karmic cycles/wounds that suppress your Feminine Power ("from surviving to thriving", betrayal wound, sister wound and others)

โšœ๏ธ Healing the Resentment to men and Masculine energy & Exalting into Appreciation and Devotion (inviting more loving and aligned relationships with men in your life)

โšœ๏ธ Recognizing potency of Your sexual energy, its power to create and manifest & consecrating it to your purpose/path of service

โšœ๏ธ Trusting in Yourself, Your Lifeโ€™s Path and Your Intuition

โšœ๏ธ Activating Your Feminine Superpowers: Erotic Body Wisdom, Psychic Abilities & Quantum Womb Magic

โšœ๏ธ Cultivating the Art of Devotion, Prayer, Ritual & Ceremony and thus enhance Spiritual Alignment & Clarity in your life


WOMB POWER will have many things to reveal to you if you invite her voice & wisdom

She is the mystical force of Miraculous Feminine Energy Acceleration

And She will manifest differently in each woman


According to her particular family constellation and karma

Yet what the WOMB POWER brings always is:

Transformation of Consciousness & Resurrecting the Feminine Aspect of it. ๐Ÿ”ฅ


Before getting in you would like to touch the base & have a word with me / check if this is in alignement for you?

Sure, reach out to me privately & we can schedule a call!

Telegram: @vALAIAv https://t.me/vALAIAvโ€‹

Instagram: @alaia.venus


Are you hearing a call to dive into the Womb Medicine and resurrect parts of your true essence? ๐Ÿ’ง

*Payment in installments possible on request
